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Extending your notifications with Contexte Lab
Sandra Souames avatar
Written by Sandra Souames
Updated over 7 months ago

Once you have set up your keyword notifications, you may combine them with other notifications accessible via Contexte Lab.

These additional notifications include:

  • The minutes of the public debates, as soon as they are published at the Assemblée nationale and the Sénat, straight into your mailbox.

  • The French Official Journal publications, straight into your mailbox.

  • The parliamentary questions, i.e. the undebated written and oral questions members of Parliament ask the government, straight into your mailbox.

Warning: these notifications are directly linked to the keyword groups you will have chosen before.

  • Notifications of any movement in ministers’ offices

You can follow these movements at three different levels from our organisational chart:

  • Within each institution, to be kept informed of any movement within the ministry of Health, for example.

  • About each position, to be warned as soon as the digital advisor to the minister for Culture leaves, for example.

  • About each mandate, to be told as soon as there is a change of principal private secretary in any institution, or to follow any movement in positions which mandates include the budget, thus knowing whether the budget advisor to the minister of Education has moved.

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